
Join our team

We are one of the fastest growing law firms in Warsaw. Our winning team consists of lawyers with many years of experience in various fields of law. All of us are experts in their fields of specialization with diverse skill sets. We believe in teamwork. The budding lawyers who join us collaborate with experienced colleagues from the very outset, which enables them to gain practical experience from the beginning of their careers.

We are passionate and determined. We partner with the business community. That is why it does not suffice just to be well-versed with the law: for us it is very important to have the ability to find a frame of reference in the current economic context. By blending these skills, we are able to devise the optimum solutions focused on achieving our clients’ business objectives.

We face challenges every day. We frequently face less than obvious legal issues and that is why creativity is a must in our profession.

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We are keen on recruiting people who have outstanding academic results and diverse professional experience. We are looking for proactive people with an open mind who are constantly on the search for development opportunities and readily get involved in additional initiatives.

Our law firm is open to people with extensive professional experience as well as to those embarking on the process of building their careers. Employee development is one of our focal points; that is why we provide support to interns and trainees by offering them flexible forms of employment, so that they can easily combine their studies with their careers. We agree on an individual career path for each employee to enable him or her to gain new competences and experience, and to grow with us. There is no “glass ceiling” in our firm. In our team, we have the greatest esteem for knowledge and commitment as they dictate the pace of career development.

If you would like to join our law firm, send your application to the following address: rekrutacja@bbs-legal.pl. You might be the one we are looking for!

Recruitment process:

1.  Application
If you would like to join our team, send us your CV to the following address: rekrutacja@biw.legaland tell us for which position you are applying.

2. CV analysis
From among the applications submitted, we choose those candidates who satisfy the requirements specified in our recruitment notices. We meet with selected candidates.

3. Preliminary job interview
The first interview is run by the prospective manager. At this stage, we check a candidate’s legal knowledge and foreign language proficiency, and we talk about his or her professional experience. We also familiarize ourselves with the candidate’s expectations.

4. Interview with a partner in the law firm
The next stage is to meet with a partner in the law firm who makes the final employment decision after talking with the candidate.

5.  Job offer
Subsequently, a job offer is presented to the selected candidate.

6. Thank you note for participating in the recruitment process
All of the candidates participating in recruitment receive feedback from us concerning the conclusion of the recruitment process.


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