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Public procurement law

Due to the dynamics of changing provisions of the Public Procurement Law, the Ordering Parties and Contractors need a stable partner who will tend to the complete process of awarding or winning the contract. Thanks to the experience, knowledge, and capabilities in the field of advisory services and procedural practice, our Law Firm provides the strongest support in handling proceedings, offers, appeal procedure, and the digitization of public procurement that a client can expect - Jan Sakławski.

The practice of the Law Firm is based on solid foundations, which include: many years of practical experience in the role of ordering parties and contractors as well as expert knowledge resulting from such a wide range of activities. We have a comprehensive understanding of how procurement processes of ordering parties function – from the formal and legal side, as well as from the management side. On the other hand, we are aware of the high priority for the contractor to win a public procurement contract in the current market situation; and therefore, we are able to effectively choose our strategy, regardless of whether it focuses on placing an offer or the appeal process. We provide comprehensive legal advice and represent clients in disputes over public procurement matters, notwithstanding the subject of the contract. We guide ordering parties and contractors through the rapidly changing regulations in a steady and efficient manner, relieving them of the burden of related risks.

Our clients:

  • public finance sector units
  • local authorities, including local authorities associations, i.e. municipalities, poviats, and voivodships,
  • budgetary units, i.e. state administration offices and local administration offices,
  • prosecution offices, police units, and military units,
  • public schools of higher education,
  • cultural institutions,
  • state-owned unincorporated organizational units,
  • municipal companies,
  • state-owned public utility businesses,
  • independent public health care institutions,
  • contracting authorities in the utilities sector,
  • entities with whom the concession contract for construction works was concluded pursuant to the Act on concession for construction works or services,
  • other entities obliged to apply the provisions of the Public Procurement Law, not mentioned above,
  • contractors of all industries applying for the award of a public contract or performing a public contract,
  • participants of purchasing processes with a value not subject to the provisions of the Public Procurement Law, operating on the basis of internal regulations.

Scope of services:

  • Comprehensive legal advice to natural persons with regard to their property and personal relations.
  • Advice in the field of family and guardianship law, including divorce cases, matters concerning minors (cases for establishing the place of residence, establishing and performing visitations, parental authority, and alimony), as well as proceedings for the division of joint property of spouses.
  • Advice on inheritance law – regulation of legal succession.
  • Advice on asset planning and management.
  • Advice on private property, including real estate law and real estate transactions.
  • Business restructuring.
  • Representation in court, administrative, court-administrative, and enforcement proceedings.
  • Debt recovery.
  • Actions for damages.
  • Disputes related to the protection of personal rights.
  • Criminal law – advising and representing clients at the stage of preparatory and court proceedings.
  • Tax consultancy.

Completed activities:

  • Representing a Client (Contractor) in appeal proceedings before the National Appeals Chamber in proceedings for the award of public contracts of an infrastructure nature with a value of several hundred million zloty each.
  • Internal audit of the process of awarding and implementing public contracts in one of the largest specialist hospitals in Poland.
  • Conducting public procurement procedures for the construction of wind farms in Poland.
  • Advice in the bidding process in the procurement procedure for the construction of gas and steam units in a power plant.
  • Advice in the bidding process in the public procurement procedure for the expansion of the offshore and onshore parts of the regasification terminal.
  • Conducting public procurement procedures for the expansion of railway stations under EU projects.
  • Conducting public procurement procedures for IT services and supplies (licenses and equipment) for one of the contracting authorities from the utilities sector.
  • Implementation of the digitization process (internal regulations, training, and implementation of the purchasing platform) at the contracting authority from the railway sector.
  • Preparation of purchasing policies for contracting authorities from the gas, energy, and railway sectors.


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